
We firmly believe in the power of Education to change lives. We support all tiers of education in any way that we can.

1. Duke of Edinburgh Award - Each year we take on pupils as volunteers who are working towards their bronze, silver or gold award. Children either do a mid week slot or a Sunday slot. Some choose to both but come performance they help out with all shows. Their roles have inc script work, vocal work, choreography, make up, costume, props, set, back stage runner, front of house, audio and microphone. We welcome enquiries from anyone who feels they would to volunteer.

2. GAP Year Student - we offer a paid position each year to one gap year student who is thinking of going into the PA in whatever capacity. Last year was Louise, who helped us teach the pupils their singing parts. She is now off to Cambridge with a choral scholarship, however we will miss her contributions to the BEAP family very much. 

3. Undergraduate Dance Student - Over the years we have had Bed student from LJMU and now Dance students who are looking for experience working with Primary aged children. We have worked with City of Liverpool College and last year welcomed Abbey and Jasmine from Hope.

4. Costume Design Opportunities - Since Mary Poppins we have been working with Jane King at the City of Liverpool College and her students. As part of their course the students design some of our costumes. We give them a brief and they have to consider everything that a real theatre designer would, how often do they wear it? How quickly do they need to get into it? How much movement do they need to in it? What else is happening on stage at the time? etc etc. The children benefit from getting hand made bespoke costumes and the college students get to work on a design from scratch right through to stage.

5. Making the Arts Accessible - Here at BEAP, we believe that music and theatre should be available to all students, not just those with money: "As an advocate for the arts I am only too aware that if I was starting out now on my journey I would not have the career I have. I received free instrumental tuition, my school bought my flute for me, the council paid for me to travel to audition, I had no university tuition fees and received a full grant."Alison White. Based off keeping the arts accessible, we offer 10% of places on each of our courses to anyone who may find finances to be a barrier to their child's musical education. Please contact us for further information.